Enduring Root

Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child :  ISAIAH 54:1a,b,c,d,e,f


The apostolic labour of the saints in gentile cities of the earth leading into the last seven years of this age will call forth jewish remnants in these cities into their apostolic predestination, gifts, and callings.  The jewish remnants in gentile nations today are awaiting a 'right witness' of the coming kingdom of Christ Jesus from the gentile apostolic in these gentile nations.

Power and glory should be the standard for any given gentile apostolic ministry directed towards the house of Israel; such a witness is received from on high through humility towards God and the fear of the Lord.

Sing and cry will become the standard in gentile cities of the earth for gatherings in the name of Jesus concerning humility before God and repentance from sin and transgression.  As darkness becomes like a veil in the latter days over regions of wickedness, God will be sending apostolic companies and raising up apostolic ministries and churches in these and to these oppressed regions of the earth.  Light will shine forth in these regions where there is an apostolic witness of the coming kingdom of Christ.